7 Ways To Spring Clean Your Small Business

Ah, springtime. The time of year when flowers are budding, birds are chirping, and warmer winds are blowing. It’s also a time when people purge their houses of dirt, dust, and debris … aka spring cleaning. But spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to houses anymore. Business owners can also take advantage of this wonderful time of year to get organized and make improvements by spring cleaning their business. So, what are you waiting for, business owners? If you want to get your business on track for success, get cleaning!
Strategies To Spring Clean Your Small Business
Here are seven ways you can freshen things up at your company.
1. Tidy Up Your Website
It’s no secret that your website can help your business grow and evolve. But if you let much-needed changes fall through the cracks, your website can easily collect dust and damage your brand. Chances are, your business has grown and changed during the last year. You might have revised your mission. Maybe you completely switched your business logo or color scheme. Either way, you should take time to scour your website for things that don’t line up with your business’s current brand.
2. Deep Clean Your Books
While you’re scrubbing down the rest of your business in the springtime, don’t forget to deep clean your business’s books. Your business accounting books are the epicenter of your business’s transactions and financial records. They can help you forecast your financial future and make smart decisions about your finances.
3. Dust Off Your Business Plan
I know some of you are guilty of it. And, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. That’s right … some of you create your business plan and set it on a shelf to collect dust. If you’re guilty of this, now is the perfect time to dust off your business plan and revisit it. Businesses constantly develop and change. And because your company is ever-changing, your business plan should be, too.
4. Freshen Up Your Marketing Strategies
There is no better time than the spring to take a step back to examine and freshen up your marketing strategies. Like your business, marketing tactics are constantly developing. And each day, a new marketing trend pops up.
5. Organize Your Inbox (And More)
As a busy business owner, things like emails, paperwork, and other documents can quickly pile up. I’ve been there. Heck, we’ve probably all been there at some point or another. When you’re occupied by your business, it’s easy to become disorganized. Emails stack up and, as soon as you know it, your inbox is an absolute disaster. Use the springtime as an opportunity to purge your inbox.
6. Declutter The Office
Now for the “fun” part … actually cleaning your office and workspace. If you want to literally spring clean your business, give your office a deep cleaning.
Spring cleaning your workspace can make you feel refreshed and organized. Not only will your workplace look better, but you might also feel better, too.
7. Reevaluate Expenses
Take this opportunity to reevaluate your expenses. Look around for vendor options and renegotiate payment terms with loan lenders and insurance providers. Along with awakening your books, check that your pricing is still turning a profit. Find your profit margin and conduct a market analysis to help determine your prices. Now is a good time to look through your credit card statements to eliminate any recurring charges you no longer need. Keep your expenses low on your business phone system with magicJack for BUSINESS. Click here for a free quote!