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Eddie Gutierrez saves thousands per year and hours of talk time at his accounting firm.

Taxes Plus a Whole Lot More

From his office in Charlotte, North Carolina, Eddie Gutierrez at Tax Plus provides tax preparation services and financial advice in English and Spanish to individuals and businesses in the Carolinas and around the United States.

Eddie has the knowledge and the expertise to prepare individual and business tax returns for all 50 states, including gift and estate tax returns and partnership and corporate tax returns. He also advises individuals, business startups and companies on estate and succession planning and tax and education planning.

Using Technology to Stay Ahead

Since not all clients are local, Eddie holds tax preparation interviews in person, by mail, or email. This makes reliable technology and communications a must for his business.

For instance, to collect the documents required to prepare clients’ tax returns, Eddie has set up a client portal accessible from his website. Using the portal, Eddie and his customers securely exchange documents and messages. Clients in the Carolinas can also check the status of their federal tax refund or NC or SC state refund from the website.

With cyber security being a top priority, the internet portal is secured, encrypted and password protected.

Why Did Eddie Choose magicJack?

Eddie-Gutierrez-Tax-Plus-200.jpg Eddie started his business in 2009 and started to use the original magicJackGO device right away because he wanted a separate phone number for his business. He didn’t want to use his personal cell number. That worked out well and was doubly advantageous in that he could easily relocate his office and keep the same number.

When magicJack announced magicJack for BUSINESS, Eddie jumped right in.

“It was exactly what we needed, I was really happy,” recalls Eddie. “I have someone that does marketing from her home, and she takes the [magicjack for BUSINESS] phone home with her and sets up appointments. What I like about that phone is that I have things like call waiting or forwarding or we put someone on hold and they hear on hold music, so really it sounds professional.”

The Alternatives Don’t Add Up

In the eight years Eddie has been using magicJack and magicJack for BUSINESS he has looked at alternatives, including regular landline phone lines and other VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems. He has stayed with magicJack because, he says, other systems

“seemed to be more complicated. Not as nimble. And definitely not as cost effective.”


Personable and Helpful Technical Support

Even though the phone and service are excellent, Eddie called magicJack for BUSINESS technical support one time. The problem could not be resolved right away so he was given an appointment to get a call back from a technician. The technician returned the call at the appointed time and as Eddie recalls,

“we solved the issue right away. A lady by the name of Linda. Very personable and very helpful.”

Doing Business from Abroad with magicJack for BUSINESS

Eddie has grown his business beyond taxes. He calls it “taxes with a forward-thinking mindset of saving money.” He likes to sit down with clients and find out what their objectives are for the next five, 10, or 20 years. He finds out where clients want to be and then puts a plan together that will get them there.

Because of this, Eddie values the portability of magicJack for BUSINESS. He can check his messages or make and receive calls anywhere he has access to the internet. The voicemail to email feature makes it easy to quickly scan and play recent voice messages from mobile or desktop, and return the urgent ones first. This proves very useful for keeping in touch with those clients he helps with business analysis and financial planning. People call him throughout the year, including during the holiday season:

“When I was on vacation in Guatemala, it was nice to be able to take calls from people who did not know where I was,” says Eddie. “[For them] it is just a local phone call.” And the best part, he says, “Using it has been seamless and it has been very cost effective.”

The Way Forward

Eddie has just started a marketing program in the Charlotte area and is looking forward to growing his business. The features built into his magicJack for BUSINESS phone system–including enhanced call forwarding, voicemail, 3-way and conference calling, and auto attendant–will present the professional image his clients are looking for and will help Eddie continue to be efficient, productive, and available to his customers.

Start saving today. Call 888-652-4976

Find out how magicJack for BUSINESS can save you time and money. Visit and follow @magicJackBiz.

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